According to me, one of the biggest problems with digital transformation is that it crosses the entire organization. I’ve found that the key to aligning these diverse interests is to have a common understanding and approach to serving end customers need.
I put Digital transformation priorities in the following order.
a) Customer Experience, b) Content, c) Marketing Strategy, and d) Integrated business architecture that might expand into another line of business such as sales, finance.
Applying Design Thinking approach to interviewing/workshop with an executive or lead user to drive product roadmap. An outcome from the ideation workshop should help to define product/service to-be capabilities. Thus creating an immediate impact on business to drive better customer experience as well as creating a funnel for low hanging fruit vs. strategic initiative.
Lastly, Create a blueprint for product roadmap with above-mentioned touchpoint (E2C), and integration with financial payback model help to prioritizing or define digital first target operating model.